Sunday, July 15, 2018

15 July 2018 What Law Would You Change?

What Law Would You Change?

There are tens of thousands of federal laws.  If I could change one, it would be to  legalize marijuana.  I never understood how alcohol could be legal but marijuana is somehow worse.  I have heard the argument that it is a gateway drug to more addictive ones. If you use that logic, then beer is a Gateway drink to Everclear pure alcohol. You will never be able to convince me that alcohol is a lesser drug then marijuana. If marijuana caused the deaths of 15,000 people year due to highway crashes there would be an uproar to limit it. That is exactly the case for alcohol but there is no demand get rid of it. 

Marijuana could be taxed and controlled just like alcohol. The federal government in their greed for revenue would find a way to maximize how much they could get for it. 

In changing the law, I would also reduce the age of use to 18 years old. At 18 you are tried as an adult for every criminal offense. You can get married without anyone’s consent. You can join the military and die or be maimed for life in support of your country. But somehow elected leaders seemed to think they know better and require one to be 21 years old to purchase alcohol. The legalization of marijuana has to be tied to reducing the legal age for alcohol to 18. You are either an adult at 18 or you’re not. Hell, we let people get their driving license at 16 and no one has any problem with that.

It is time to decriminalize marijuana and have it regulated and used in a responsible manner for adults 18 years and older.

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