Sunday, July 8, 2018

8 July 2018 Is Shaming Ok?

Is Shaming Ok?

 There was a lot of press last week about shaming Trump staffers in public.  A Congresswoman from California encouraged it. I thought it ironic that a liberal restaurant owner asked Sarah Sanders to leave but liberals were upset that a baker would not make a wedding cake for a gay couple.  I wonder how that can be explained away.

I do not promote publicly shaming someone who you have different political views. I would much rather have reasoned debate.  Yes, the debate could get intense but not to the point where name calling is ok.  You lost the argument if have to resort to that. Obviously, you can’t defend your position well otherwise you wouldn’t have had to resort to verbal bashing. Or, you are so narrow minded that you are only capable of lashing out at someone.

We have lost the ability to have reasoned dialogue.  Things appear to be black and white to both sides.  Either you believe in what I say, or you are the enemy seems to be the refrain.  I want people in my life who have different opinions than me.   It would be so boring to have everyone agree with everything.   

Stop with the holier than though attitude.  You are not always right, and I am not always wrong.  Don’t be so offended with different opinions.  You may actually learn something.   

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