Friday, July 20, 2018

20 July 2018 Should Personal Change Be Fast or Slow And Steady?

Should Personal Change Be Fast or Slow And Steady?


I have always had a challenge with taking a slow and steady approach to changes in my habits.  I need to shock my system in order to get the results I want.  It is not that I need immediate gratification.  However, I do admit it may appear that way.  I need a steep slope of change and then can transition to a more gradual approach.   


I have tried both ways.  My issue is maintaining any changes.  I see great results, but don’t instill the habits so they are a permanent part of my life.  Slowly but surely I slide back to my starting or sometimes even worse than where I started.


I say I instilled habits but that is the wrong term.  Habits are ingrained behaviors.  I never got to the ingrained part.  They were just temporary.   How long should it take for a behavior change to become a permanent habit, I don’t know.  I assume it varies with each individual.  I have been on programs where changes are given anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks to become habits.  


What I do know is that I am only capable of making one or at most two changes in a particular area at any one time.  Any more and my discipline has not held up.  Also, I rarely had a support group that was there with me.  Usually it was an online support structure.  I am sure there are many who benefited from this, however, I know from my previous experiences that it would be best for me if the support was local.  


I will continue to set goals and instill habits.  Some will be aggressive.  I will not stop trying.




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