Friday, June 8, 2018

8 June 2018 What Creative Things Do You Want To Do?

What Creative Things Do You Want To Do?

 I have always had the self-talk that I am not a creative person.  I have stayed away from trying to do creative things because I felt it futile.  I know creativity covers a lot of areas.  To me it was art, poetry and music.  It was why start because I suck at it.  Now, did I ever give it a real chance…no.  I made all kinds of excuses.  Would I like to be involved in any ones of those, yes.  I felt like I had to have some ability.  It certainly wasn’t the “handyman” stuff around the house.  I don’t have any “creativity” in that area either. So, what is it?

I would watch my brother be able to play the guitar, fix a car, do electrical and carpentry things.  How did he get those skills?  He did these as a teenager.  I thought how unfair that was.   It seemed like they just came to him naturally.  

I have started writing to try and build my skills.  It is a long slow road.  Sometimes the words come freely and other times it is a struggle.  I dabble every now and then in poetry.  It focuses me on every word to not only get the rhyming pattern correct but also the flow of each sentence.  

The hardest part for me was getting over myself and just starting to write. It doesn’t matter if I plan to have anyone see it or not.  Putting in the time is all that matters.  Do I have any plans for a book?  I don’t know.  I just want to write and see where it goes.  

Next, I want to add drums or piano to my creativity wish list.  

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