Sunday, June 17, 2018

17 June 2018 What Challenges You?

What Challenges You?

Most of my challenges are internal.  My work life has been pretty stable and should continue to be.  That is not to say that I should not be prepared for something unexpected.  Nothing is for certain at work, however, all indications are that it will continue as is for the time being.  How I can prepare myself for the unexpected is to be in a position financially to handle it.

For the most part, my challenges are due to the choices I made.  Or more importantly, the consequences of those choices. If my situation is due to my actions, then any change in that would come from me.  

I have mentioned before that one of my main goals is to get in the best shape physically.  I have not helped myself in this area.  However, I am in a position to be able to change it.  I have always felt that if I keep a consistent workout routine that my health will be good.  I was wrong, or at least I let myself believe it.  Nutrition is the key over working out.  It is a daily challenge to make good choices.  If bad food items are in the house, it is hard to resist them.  It should be easy to fix that, just don’t have them in the house.  That is true if I lived by myself, but, the other members of my family don’t share the same thoughts as I do.  They want to enjoy the “bad” foods.  That is ok, they shouldn’t have to live by my desires.  I just have to work each day on my self-control.  That is easier said than done.  But in the end, it is my choice if I do eat what I shouldn’t.  I can’t make any excuse that the lack of my self-control should be blamed on anyone else. Yes, it would be easier if the stuff was not in the house.  But, who said it should be easy? 

This is the challenge I work at each day.  I wake up each morning determined to make good choices and every night I look in the mirror and ask myself if I did.  I can’t look weeks or months down the road for some result. It is just the day in and day out decisions that will slowly led me to my goal.   

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