Thursday, June 28, 2018

28 June 2018 What Reminds You Of Your Mortality?

What Reminds You Of Your Mortality?

I assume most plan to live a long life.  When I was young I was not sure I was going to.  I had friends die in my line of work.  Of course, most of us had the thought that “it won’t happen to me.”  Even with that mindset, I did not follow the rules very well and tested some limits.  However sobering it was to go to funerals of friends, that did not curb the behaviors.

Now that I am in the senior age group, mortality is something to consider. I still plan to live a very long life. I want to break 100 years old.  Of course, quality of life is critical.  It is no use living long if my physical or mental health is impaired.  I believe most parents want to do everything to not be a burden on their children.  

Alzheimer’s is one the cruelest afflictions one can have.  You are not in control.  I would take my life if at all possible before my mind left me.  The challenge is, you don’t know when you will have days of clarity and not.  In those good days, you want to be with family.  

I fully support assisted suicide.  You should be able to decide when you want to die if you are in control of your mental state.  How can anyone say it is wrong?  If you are in constant pain and the only relief is death, then so be it.  Do not make any kind religious reason to me against it. Your beliefs should not in any way prevent me to end my life on my terms. 

I have had a great life so far.  I intend for it to continue for several decades.  However, I also know that death can come at any time.  If it does, well I guess my plan to be 100 years old did not work out. It is just a plan not definitive. That is life.     

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