Saturday, June 2, 2018

2 June 2018 Are You Happy?

Are You Happy?

I would guess the two things people would most want in life are health and happiness.  It is also what they want their children to have.  If you have those two, life is good.  It does not matter how many material things you own, the job you have or where you live or whatever. 

There are a lot of factors that go into how healthy you are.  Some are genetic, some are lifestyle choices.  But happiness is a completely internal process. Yes, other events and people may be factors that influence your happiness, but it is your reaction to those factors that determine how you feel.

The best saying I ever heard on this was by a Vietnamese Buddhist monk who said “There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way.”  I took that to mean you can’t wait for some future event to occur in order for you to be happy.  You have to choose to be happy as a way of life.  Now that does not mean you can’t be unhappy at times due to certain life events.  It does mean that you should choose to be happy as a part of your day to day life.  

But…..I don’t choose to be unhappy…..I can’t control that.  Really, you can’t control your own emotions?  How do you choose to be happy?  By looking at all the good things that are in your life and be grateful for them.  By understanding that life does have events that can impact your happiness, but you need to take the view that “this too shall pass” and continue to make happiness an integral part of who you are.  

Like any habit it takes time to get this mindset to be part of who you, but, it will improve your life.   

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