Monday, June 11, 2018

11 June 2018 What Do You Get Angry About That Is Insignificant?

What Do You Get Angry About That Is Insignificant?

I used to spend a lot of time getting angry in traffic.  Not at a road rage level, but enough to build up negative energy inside.  Did it ever make traffic better, not once.  Did it make me feel better getting angry, no it didn’t.  Was there any positive from it, no.  I know it added tension in the car when I was with family.  If there was any self-talk I could have said to myself, it would have been “this too shall pass.”  I am not completely “cured” of getting mad in traffic.  I would call it more annoyed than mad.  I work at it every day, some days are just better than others.  

Far too often I have let little things create emotions that have no value. This in turn made me give off a negative appearance which just brought down whoever I was with.  I could not get it in my mind that it not worth it to get upset over things I have no control over.  If someone’s child is crying or yelling on a plane, it does no good to get mad at the parent.  I am sure they do not want their child crying.  It was not their goal to have their child heard over a large part of the plane. It did not help the situation to give the parent a stare that meant to say “can’t you take control of your child?” It did not help me to get upset about it.  Did that help get the child to stop crying, no.  As much as it is inconvenient to have a child crying on a plane, and that is all it is, inconvenient.  It might even help to smile at the parent and understand they are having a tough time and are not enjoying the flight.

I work every day on keeping a positive attitude and not letting negative emotions build up over insignificant things.  I know it is much better for me and certainly much better for those around me.

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