Wednesday, June 13, 2018

13 June 2018 What Potential Candidates Intrigue You?

What Potential Candidates Intrigue You?
Even though the Presidential election is two and half years away, by next summer things will be gearing up for it.  Who is out there that I may support.  As I am an independent I don’t hold any loyalty to any party.  I would love to see a candidate who could run as an independent and not be beholden to either party.  However, I am a realist and a person with vast personal wealth could do it.  Michael Bloomberg or Mark Cuban could if they so desired.  I also believe each could be successful at it.  I would support either one if they decided to.  I could also support either one if they decided to go with either party.
You may ask, why Mark Cuban?  Should someone have prior political experience?  I don’t believe that.  I want attitude and aptitude.  I want a leader, but also someone who can compromise in order to get legislation passed.  I feel he has those qualities.
I would be happy to support Nikki Haley should she decide to run.  Senator Mark Warner, a Democrat from Virginia, is another person I could support.    Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard is someone I am looking at who will be a major political force in the future.  I do not agree with all her positions, but I feel she has the characteristics I stated above.  A Warner/Gabbard ticket would be very formidable.  I would enthusiastically support them over Trump/Pence.
If Trump is still around and runs in 2020, any combination of Bloomberg, Halley or Cuban on the Republican ticket would beat the Trump/Pence ticket in the primaries.
These are the people I hope run for the President and/or Vice President in 2020.     

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