Thursday, June 21, 2018

21 June 2018 What Have I Put Off?

What Have I Put Off?

For a long time, I said I was going to get in touch with old friends.  Not just through Facebook either.  I was going to try and see at least one old friend every 6 months.  I can’t make any excuses why I have not done it.  I guess I didn’t make it a priority.  

It took me almost 25 years to go from undergraduate to graduate school.  I said I was going to learn a foreign language, still haven’t started that.  I was going to get a math degree or at least teach myself higher level math.  I have the material, just haven’t made the time. I purchased a year subscription to the Great Courses.  Still waiting to start one.  I made a bucket list a few years ago, have only scratched off one.  

As you can see, I have intensions but don’t put in the time.  I listen to a lot of podcasts and audio books as well as hardcopy books.  I have 3 magazines I read cover to cover.  It is not like I waste time in front of the tv.  

I do have a hard time defining what I really want to do.  Is the bucket list really important?  So far, I would say no.  Getting smarter through online courses, not yet.  

 I spent a good bit of money setting up a couple of websites that I thought I wanted, but I let both go away.   The initial enthusiasm was there but not the day in and day out execution.   

I have been consistent with my blog.  It is a challenge I want to complete.  It will be the one project I took from concept to the initial goal.  I am almost halfway through with it.  Once I am done I will be able to say to myself I didn’t put that off.  It should give me the push to start and finish other goals.  Will see how that turns out.

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