Monday, June 4, 2018

4 June 2018 Are You Optimistic?

Are You Optimistic?


Everyone knows someone who is referred to “Debbie Downer.”  That person always has a way to look at things in a negative way.  This is different from someone who looks at things with a critical eye.   The downer person is just negative while the critical person wants more data to make a decision.


There is also a difference between optimistic and hopeful.  Optimists have planned and assessed future events while hopeful people……well, just hope.


Cheerful and optimistic I also view as different qualities.  Cheerful people can exhibit that trait even in negative situations.  Whereas an optimistic person may not necessarily have an upbeat personality, but can view an event in the future from a positive manner due to assessing available data and trends.


I am generally an optimistic person.  Or perhaps a more realistic person.  I believe things are usually not as bad as they seem or as good either. I try to be upbeat and not let a group get dragged down in despair if things are not going well.  As I was once told, always try to find a positive in a negative.  There can always be a lesson learned even in mundane “failures” as well as large ones.     


It would be a challenge to work with someone who seems to have a negative view of most things.  I certainly would not have that person in my circle of friends.  I want optimistic people around me who also possess a positive attitude.  That combination makes for great relationship.

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