Friday, June 15, 2018

15 June 2018 Do You Keep A Journal?

Do You Keep A Journal?

Keeping a journal has been a challenge for me.  I have one, but I never seem to write much.  I would only write a sentence or two about the day.  I know it takes time and practice, but I have been at it for 8 years.  There is a practice called Morning Pages.  You write 3 pages just stream of consciousness.  Whatever comes into your mind you just write it.  I did this for a few weeks.  Nobody would have been able to decipher it.  Penmanship is something I really lack.  Has been that way since elementary school.

If you were to read my journals you would find a consistent, I would say failing, theme.  Over and over again I would write how I am going to get in better shape, both physically and financially.  Month in and month out you can read it.  But progress, well that is another story.  

I have been reluctant to write my deepest thoughts lest someone was to read it. There are things I am not ready to write about.  Or at least have the chance of anyone else reading it.   

But isn’t that the purpose of a journal?  Where you can write your most intimate thoughts as well as mundane stuff.  It is a chronical of your life, so you can use it a reminder in the future.  As much as I think I will remember stuff, I won’t. 

I will continue to work on my journal.  If I want the benefit of it, I have to make it a daily part of my life. Let’s see where it takes me. 

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