Tuesday, June 19, 2018

19 June 2018 What Are You Willing To Endure?

What Are You Willing To Endure?

If you have a goal, what are you willing to endure to achieve it.  This is the crux of how much you want something. There is a famous experiment done with kids in the late 1960’s.  The kid was given the choice to eat one cookie now or wait 15 minutes and get two cookies.  The videos are kinda funny to see just how hard it is for them to resist eating the 1stcookie.  Most could not endure the wait.

For adults this is true too.  Most would rather have short term gratification vice waiting.  Credit card debt is a perfect example of this.  It is so easy to just charge it now vice save up the money and pay for it with no debt incurred.  

I have had a couple of goals that took time.  In my senior year of high school, I knew I was going to go to college and then join the service to fly.  That goal took 8 years to fully realize (getting my pilot wings in the US Navy).  There were twists and turns along the way, but I was going to achieve it.  

Today, my goal is to set a day when I can retire from full time work.  I think I will always work in some capacity, but I want to transition to part time.   I would like to continue in my present line of work as a part time employee.  I think 2-3 days a week would be a good pace.  Maybe start at 3 and work towards two.  Right now, this goal is in the 10+ year time frame. Buying a house later in life forces some compromises.  I have to pay off the house if I want to reduce my work days.  That involves some trade-offs.  I have to decide what am I willing to forgo today in order to have a semi-retired life down the road.  It is the challenge of living for today or retiring at some point.  What am I willing to endure?

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