Sunday, June 3, 2018

3 June 2018 If You Died Today, What Is Your Biggest Regret?

If You Died Today, What Is Your Biggest Regret?

There are many interviews of old people who are asked what their regrets are now that they are near the end of their lives.  A common answer was they did not take the risks they should have, or they put work in front of family.   

But what if you are not old or near the end of life?  Multitudes at a young age die suddenly from all kinds of incidents. It is never too early to define what would be the biggest regret you would have.  If you can define it, then you can initiate a plan to accomplish it.

This question has caused me to think a lot.  I remember someone saying if they heard another person say they had no regrets then he would think that person never really lived.  

I could break mine down to work regrets, education regrets, financial regrets. Though those may be labeled as regrets, they are also just part of life’s choices and lessons learned.  A true regret leaves a hole in you.  Do any of these really hurt, no. They have caused challenges but nothing at an emotional level.

My biggest regret is that I walked away from a marriage without trying to understand what the issues were and without trying to really fix them.   In the end, the issues were about me not her.  I have spent a lot of time on my issues. I learned what needed to be changed.   I have made changes, but the cost has been huge. I lost the person who did everything to keep us together.  I alone am responsible for it and I regret it every day. 

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