Saturday, June 16, 2018

16 June 2018 Why The Love Of Dictators?

Why The Love Of Dictators?

President Trump goes out of his way to praise dictators but insults our allies who are democratically elected.  Why is that? For one, he thinks dictators are strong because they can rule with impunity.  That is how he wants to lead.  Each dictator he likes, Putin from Russia, Erdogan of Turkey, and now Jun from Korea are ruthless and have imprisoned and even killed opposition candidates.  But Trump equates dictatorial strength with great leadership.  Those two are not the same.  On the other hand, he views elected politicians from our allies as weak.  

The greatest insult to Trump would be for him to be portraited as weak.  Weak as a leader but particularly as physically weak.  He is a coward and a bully so I can see where anything said of weakness would upset him. The dictators he likes are bullies too. The allied leaders are not bullies, they are smart and sophisticated.  Trump sees that as weak.

Trump does not like the democratic system we have. He thinks it gets in his way of doing what he wants.  He ran his business his way without anyone telling him what to do.  Why can’t he run the country the same way?  The historical reasons why the founding fathers set up the system we have is lost on him.  We did not want the President to be a monarch.  We did not want a king.  Trumps wants to be a king.  Dictators are “kings.”  

We as a country have to ensure our elected members of Congress be the check and balance on the President as intended in the Constitution.  The President is who he is.  Someone who loves and envies dictators.  The press and Congress need to let him know, even if it is daily, that we as a country do not like or tolerate dictators.  If we don’t, he will continue to try to be one. 

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