Friday, June 22, 2018

22 June 2018 Do I Really Need Stuff?

Do I Really Need Stuff?

I was a prized consumer. I bought a lot of stuff even when I couldn’t afford it. I took as a need when it fact it was only a want.  I am not sure where this thinking came from.  My parents knew what it was to be poor and took care not to waste money.  

I had a spend thrift attitude for as long as I can remember.  Cars, house improvements, stereo equipment and such were constant expenditures.  Looking back on it, my life would not have not been any less rewarding if I had practiced fiscal discipline.   In fact, just the opposite is true, I would have had greater opportunities. 

One of my most imprudent purchases was a very expensive stereo set.  I received a bonus from work and I went right out spent many thousands of dollars.  Now, I like my music loud and I liked the quality of it too.  I got in my head that I just had to have the top of the line stuff.  Was the quality that much better, probably not. Could I have played it just as loud with a cheaper system, very much so.  

I still today think about things I want.  One of processes I have in place is to wait a day to see if I still have the same drive to get something.  I am actively removing stuff from my possession.  I may not get to the level of a minimalist, but I am working toward it. I have come to really understand what is important and it is not stuff.  It is a challenge, but one I know I will succeed at.

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