Sunday, June 24, 2018

24 June 2018 What Question Do You Want To Ask At Work?

What Question Do You Want To Ask At Work?

I think everyone gets frustrated at work every now and then.  We all see things happen and wonder why.  We look to leaders to convey the direction and also explain the reasoning for it.  But when events happen and there is no or limited communication, the staff is left to make judgments on our own.  What question do you want to ask the leaders in your company?

I work in a joint US Air Force/US Navy program office.  It has a mixture of uniformed military personnel, government civilians and contractors (of which I am one).  I have had the experience of being in all three positions, so my perspective is a little broader than most. 

The question I want to ask is why the leaders don’t be bolder in their decisions. If anything, they are in a great place to do it.  It is extremely rare for any military or civil servant to get fired.  It has to be some criminal act for that happen.  I don’t understand the timidity.  They will take a long time to make decisions, during which a lot of money is wasted.  The contractual process is byzantine at best.  It is so convoluted and does nothing to accelerate or improve things. We hear all the time about acquisition reform and doing things smarter.  I don’t see it.  Very few leaders want to make any waves.  The military guys don’t want to endanger getting promoted.  The civil servants are risk averse by nature.  

That is the question I would pose at work.  We spend a lot of time and money talking reform and best business practices, but don’t do it.  We need leaders who will step up and really lead.

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