Friday, June 1, 2018

1 June 2018 What Risk Would You Take?

What Risk Would You Take?

If you went somewhere were nobody knew you, what risk would you take?  This goes to heart of why do you care what people think?  I know how challenging it can be to try something new.  This can be from the mundane to the audacious.  

There is always that voice in your head saying, “what will X think or say about it?”  That is a powerful mind fuck that can derail things.  I have fallen into that trap many times.  If it wasn’t what I thought someone else would say, it would be what my internal voice was saying.  

I could not just measure myself by my own metric.  I had to add others into the mix.  Why would I need someone else’s approval to do anything?  Well, need to temper that with the realization if your partner or spouse is impacted then yes, that person has a vote too.  But even when I was by myself I was self-conscious about trying things out.

Pushing “publish” on that first blog post or podcast took some mental time.  I still am not totally comfortable with putting my thoughts out online.  

To answer my original question, if I went somewhere I would try to get onto a radio show to a do a combination music and commentary time slot. Sometimes I want to chat about current events or issues and intersperse that with all types of music.  It would go from serious to funny and everything in between.  Nothing would be off topic.  However, there would be some styles of music I just couldn’t play (e.g. polka).   That would be my risk at some new place.

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