Wednesday, June 20, 2018

20 June 2018 Why No Dissent?

Why No Dissent?

I find it troubling that no Republican in Congress is willing to say anything bad about President Trump.  Senator Corker from Tennessee has somewhat, but he is retiring.  Is your job that important to you that you are willing to sell your soul to stay elected?  Why has blind allegiance, or loyalty as Trump would say, take precedence over what you believe?  Many reporters state that Republicans are willing to say negative things, but only off the record.  

I can’t think of a situation where I would stay silent if one of my supervisors or someone in my company outright lied or said things that so damage the country. Nobody agrees 100% with anybody in Congress or the Presidency.  Why is even the slightest negative statement met with outrage by the President? Congressman Mark Sanford from South Carolina was one of the most conservative members of Congress.  He said some mild things that Trump thought were disrespectful. Trump tweeted before the South Carolina primaries that Sanford should be defeated, and he was.  This proves the President wants blind loyalty. If a staunch conservative gets a rebuke, the party is in trouble.

Dissent is a major tenant of our form of government.  It is expected that politicians will disagree but also find a way to compromise in order for legislation to pass.  As I wrote before, Trump want to be a dictator or monarch. Everyone under him, and he feels Congress is under him, must do his bidding.  Is this what we want as a country?  

I wrote harshly about Congress and this is one of the reasons why.  If you don’t say what you believe because you are afraid of the President, then you have no business being in Congress. Trump has flaws, major ones.  It is ok and required to disagree with him when he says or does things that are opposite to what you believe.   Show a spine and do so.  

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