Monday, June 18, 2018

18 June 2018 What Book Most Impacted You For Work?

What Book Most Impacted You For Work?

I have read a lot of books about business, dealing with people, the challenges of leading, etc.  The book that has had the most impact on me is “Extreme Ownership” by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin.   They are ex-Navy Seals who took their combat experiences and used them to explain how businesses can improve.  They have built a thriving consulting business.  

The premise of the book is leaders take ownership for everything.  They don’t blame the team for any failures.  Now at first thought you may think there is no way that a leader as an individual can be responsible for all that happens in a business.  That is the point, most people do not take responsibility and place the blame on any number of excuses.  A key quote, “a good leader has nothing to prove but everything to prove.”

The book is pretty blunt but does a great job of explaining a combat situation they encountered and then relate it to an issue at one of businesses they consulted with.   A leaders ego can be the biggest asset or liability in a company.   They define a leader as either effective or ineffective.  The only true measure of a leader is did the team succeed or not.  

I highly recommend this book.  Anyone can gain insights that can be applied to a large business as well as the one-person operation.  It is also very valuable for one’s personal life too.   Read it!   

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