Monday, June 25, 2018

25 June 2018 What One Thing Would You Take In A Fire?

What One Thing Would You Take In A Fire?

If your house was on fire and you could only grab one thing, and it can’t be a person or pet, what would you get?  I remember thinking about this a long time ago and the thought came to a box of pictures. They were not reproducible. However, today with most pictures being digital, that is not a problem.  

Most of your important documents should have a digital backup.  However, there are some like a marriage license where the original is important.  I try to have all my important papers in one container that can grab in case of a fire. For the most part I don’t go into the container often, but I know what is in there.  

I believe people should consolidate critical documents into one place that is easy to access.  It is one of those things that you never know when the time will come when you have to grab it.  It also serves the secondary purpose of making it easier for a family member to know where all your accounts reside and such if something happens to you. Most people don’t think of all the accounts and passwords they have that someone has to go through.  

I am in the process of slowly downsizing all of my stuff.  Other than my critical documents box, there is nothing in my house that I have to have.  Yes, there a lot of memories tied up in the stuff, but nothing worth risking my life over to save in a fire.  I will always have the memories; the rest is just stuff. 

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