Sunday, June 10, 2018

10 June 2018 How Have You Handled A Difficult Boss?

How Have You Handled A Difficult Boss?

I suspect everyone at one time or another has had to work for a boss who was difficult.  Most of the time your only option may be to leave.  However, that was not an option when I was in the military.  The thing that made it bearable was his time was only going to be a year or two.  Either he was going to rotate out or you were.   Hopefully, your career was not impacted by it.  One bad evaluation from someone you did not get along with can derail your plan.

There are also times in your career when confronting a bad boss could be challenging.  If you are just entering the workforce, it can be very hard for a young employee to speak up.  The best course of action will be to confide in someone you trust.  Trust is vital here because you want to discuss something that is impacting your work and you do not want to come off as whining.  You want to understand how to work better with this boss.  You may just need to know their way of managing.  If you don’t get the answers you want or feel your boss and you are just on different wavelengths, you might want to consider changing jobs.  It is no fun at all coming to work with a boss you don’t get along with.  It is not worth it.

There are bosses who might respect you to come forward and discuss things that are bothering you.  Now you have to be very diplomatic and not come off as accusatory.  You have to be somewhat unemotional and discuss specifics to see if it just a misunderstanding.  If your boss has any integrity, they will be open with you and not condescending.  

There will always be challenging people to work with, some may be co-workers and other may be your boss.  Have an open dialogue plan with all your bosses.  Get to know their quirks and expectations.  An early conversation can go a long way to defuse a situation that could turn negative.   Just don’t stay silent and let a boss make your life miserable.  Move on and find a place better suited for you. 

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