Thursday, June 14, 2018

14 June 2018 What Is Right About The Federal Government?

What Is Right About The Federal Government?


Congress and the Federal government consistently rate as terrible in public polling.  Rarely do we see positive stories about it.  For the most part, there is very little positive to say about it.  The bureaucracy of the Federal government is beyond comprehension.  Once brought in as a civil servant, it all but impossible to fire someone.  A 1.0 GPA is an acceptable work standard for civil servants.  As long as the person just barely does their job, you can’t fire them.  So, from a personnel standpoint, there is nothing positive to the tax payer about the current system.


Congress barely polls into double digits for being a respected organization.  It is the rigid rules set in place to keep seniority as the primary factor in the job they have. Congress makes the law that says airline pilots have to retire at 65.  But they can stay in no matter how old they get.  If you watched the Mark Zuckerberg testimony before Congress you got a great example of why that institution should have a mandatory retirement age.  The utter incompetency of the questions by most the panel demonstrated just how uninformed they are.  It was beyond embarrassing to see just how stupid some members are.  Stupid is not an exaggeration.  If you don’t know the technology you have oversight on, then don’t be on that committee.  How can you possibly make laws if you are ignorant of the technology?


So, what is right about the Federal government?   Hmmmm….give me a second……wait, I might have something……. Nope not that…..o come on, there has to be something…….I am really trying…….


I know there is some good the Congress does, I just can’t think of something.  If you ask people if they want Congress to have term limits the vast majority say yes.  If you ask them if we should get rid of their Congressman or Senator most say no, they like their person.  But they want people in other districts to get rid of the their members of Congress.  So you can see why we keep getting the same old people in Congress, some for decades. 


We need changes to Congress and the Federal government.  Until the majority makes that happen we are stuck with who are there and that is not good for the country.        

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