Sunday, September 9, 2018

9 Sep 2018 Should They Have Signed Their Name?

Should They Have Signed Their Name?

There was an op-ed in the New York Times this week that was very critical of President Trump and got a lot of publicity.  The issue was the person did it anonymously.  Is that person a coward for not standing behind their words or was it ok?

The reality is that person would have been fired if they had signed the op-ed. But if you truly believe the person you work for is damaging the country, how can you stay?  I am not sure I buy the argument that they are working on the “inside” to protect the country. They also claim that there are others who share their belief.  Again, I am not persuaded with this argument.  I feel you can help the country more by coming forward and announcing in public what you believe.  If you are truly the “senior administration official” the Times says you are, then your voice will have weight.  Right now, you play into the narrative the President rants about the “deep state.”

Hiding behind anonymity is cowardly.  Your life is not is danger if you go public.  Your service working “behind the scenes” is not as large as the service you would provide being public.  Your ego is at play here.  You convinced yourself that you are right by writing the op-ed, but you negated it by hiding your name.  You may feel righteous in what you did, and I agree with what you said.  But, your lack of authenticity shows that you really are small and weak.  You may be a “senior administration official” but when you look in the mirror each morning, you know you are gutless.  Have the courage to stand up publicly with what you believe.  Quit if you have to.  No job is higher than your principles.  You sold out your principles for headlines.  Just because you stayed to work from the inside does not make you a better person.  Come forward and stand behind your words.  It is the right thing to do.      

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