Saturday, September 15, 2018

15 Sep 2018 Are People In Congress Different?

Are People In Congress Different?

When I hear most of the people from the House of Representatives speak I wonder how they ever got elected.  This was especially true when Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook was testifying.  A lot of the questions asked showed a complete ignorance of even the easiest technology.  Why would you ask a question that makes you look stupid?  

It got me thinking, are the members in the House just different from most of the population?  Do you have to be a certain type of person to be elected the House?  I believe this is true.  Does the process to get elected just keep quality people from running?  I can’t think most elected Representatives could be successful in the business world.  This may be truer for the people over age 50.  The younger people running who are under 40 appear to come from varied backgrounds and present themselves better.  However, that is not the case with my Congressman, Matt Gaetz.  His only goal is to spend his time sucking up to President Trump.  I have not seen anything of note that he has done in Congress.  He is on track to be a professional politician.  

I am a firm supporter of term limits in Congress.  We need turn-over in that body.  People who stay there for years get so out of touch with the real world that they fail to do their basic job.  

Those in Congress are different and not in the positive sense.    

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