Friday, September 21, 2018

21 Sep 2018 Should Kavanaugh Be Confirmed?

Should Kavanaugh Be Confirmed?

Now that his accuser has come forward and will testify, should Judge Kavanaugh be confirmed?  It is going to be her word against his and a friend of his who was with him.  She says he did it, both of them say he didn’t.  Now a pessimist would say both of the guys are lying to protect him.  Also, what does she have to gain from this.  I still have not seen what her intention is.  Is it purely to derail his nomination to the Supreme Court?  If that is the case then it is political and not for justice.  Six years ago, she told a therapist that Judge Kavanaugh assaulted her.  The MeToo movement started over a year and a half ago. Why did she not speak up then? Why now? So it was ok for him to be an Appeals Court judge but not on the Supreme Court?

I am not taking Judge Kavanaugh’s side.  A drunk teenager very well may have committed this.  We will never know, unless he takes a lie detector as she did. He may have to. Hers came up as not deceptive.  Both will be under oath and both will say conflicting stories.  One is right and the other is wrong.  Both may be telling the truth as they remember it.  

I would disqualify him if he now says he may have done it, because he forcefully denied it at first.  If he would have come out and admitted it may have happened but he was drunk and did not know it was this traumatic to her, I may still support him.  Nothing in his adult life shows anything like this incident. He has 65 women who support him.  

This is a tough one.  Should this claim, of something done in High School, deny him the Supreme Court? Should his record of supporting women lawyers have any relevance?  She has nothing to gain, except the undying gratitude of liberals, if she is successful at derailing his confirmation.  He has everything to lose if he was not truthful.  Who do you believe, I just don’t know.   

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