Friday, September 14, 2018

14 Sep 2018 Does Washington Represent Us?

Does Washington Represent Us?

I often wonder if people in Washington DC really represent us? The political shows that come on Sunday morning act like a national crisis going on. Now a lot of people really hate the way president Trump is running things. However, I don’t sense that national emergency feeling outside of Washington. I live in Northwest Florida which is a very traditional republican stronghold. However, there is also quite a few Democrats here. At my work there is hardly ever any discussion or hint that people feel we are in some crisis due to the President’s actions. Do people agree and disagree on what he does, yes. But there is no talk of impeachment or the 25thamendment or any other way to get him out of office. Most people just go about their jobs and life.

There is a lot of hyperbole in the Washington bubble. Both sides of the political spectrum hurl insults at each other and claim the other is stopping legislation and any other number of “major” transgressions. I admit I enjoy reading about politics and getting knowledgeable on the issues and the people that are the leaders of both parties. I have to say it’s all about ego and power. That’s it. It has nothing to do with doctrine or policies or anything like that. The people in power love being in power. I am not sure what causes people to lose their principles or their basic integrity when they go to Washington. I lived in the Washington DC area for 15 years. So, the local papers were all about politics. Now are all the people bad, no. They just put a party above country. I understand that they truly believe that their party and their policies are really what’s the best for the country. I would rather have a 50-50 split then one party having a super majority where they can railroad any legislation without any opposition. That is not a democracy.

“Drain the swamp” was a catchy phrase during the last election. However, that is purely on your point of view. One person’s swamp is another person’s great place to be. I don’t see Washington changing for quite a while. Until we get a viable independent party or candidates of sizable numbers we are stuck with the gridlock and personalities of the two parties we have today. Maybe it’s time to have that independent party?   

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