Friday, September 28, 2018

28 Sep 2018 How Much Do You Read?

How Much Do You Read?

I have been an avid reader my whole adult life.  I love books, magazines and newspapers.  I have mainly read biographies and history.  I did dabble a little in science fiction but only for a couple of books, it just did not grab me.  The same with Lord of the Rings type of genre.  I started it and 50 pages in just did not go on.  If I love a book I can get lost for many hours and loss of sleep. 

I use to subscribe to 7 or 8 magazines, however, have had to dial that back just due to the volume of time required to keep up.  I love The Economist magazine but it is just too dense to get through and have time for other reading efforts.  My magazines today are Monocle (outstanding, very highly recommended), Wired and Fast Company.  The only newspaper I get hard copy is the Saturday Wall Street Journal, with the occasional Friday version. Just about all of these have digital versions but I prefer the print version.  

Audiobooks have become a big part of my “reading.”  It allows me to use my commuting time more effectively as well as when I get on my spin bike for a workout.  

Podcasts are also something I spend a lot of time on.  As with magazines, I have to be very selective.  Currently my listening time goes to Jocko Podcast, Tim Ferriss, NY Times The Daily and Morning Joe.  If I don’t get the current version of these I rarely go back and listen to them, I just delete them.  There is only so much time.

So I have at least 5 books sitting on my floor, 2 audio books, 2 magazines, and 3 podcasts lined up.  I can only consume so much because I also need to produce.  It is a delicate balance, but a good one to have. 

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