Monday, September 24, 2018

24 Sep 2018 Way Nothing From Vice President Pence?

Way Nothing From Vice President Pence?

Nobody has sold their soul to Pres. Trump more than Vice President Pence.  I can think of nothing that VP Pence has done in his past that would be in line in any way shape or form with Pres. Trump. Pres. Trump is not a conservative, never has been, and never will be. He chose to run as a Republican because he saw an opportunity to disrupt that party. Pence on the other hand has always been a hard, right wing conservative. Even though he is from Indiana, I can’t say I had ever heard of him prior to being the Vice President. In looking at his record I doubt I agree with much that he has said or done. For someone who claims to be a devout Christian I can’t believe he shows such undying support to the President. Trump is far from a Christian. So, Pence sold out all he believes in in order for political gain. It is really hard to respect someone who said his principles means nothing if they get in the way a political office.

I understand the Vice President this supposed to support the president. I doubt the VP was so devious that he hoped Trump would be impeached and he would move up to be the President. That is just not going to happen, though I would not be upset if it did. Pence may be licking Trumps shoes at this point in time, but he would at least steer the Republican Party back to its historical positions. I can’t see a scenario where I would ever support Pence because of what he did to sell out his principles.

Pence may say he is working in the background to make Trump a better President, however, he is failing greatly at that. He does not realize that he is going to go down in history as a joke of a VP and as someone who only wanted to please Donald Trump, his Christian principles be dammed. 

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