Thursday, September 27, 2018

27 Sep 2018 How Do You Make A Choice?

How Do You Make A Choice?

The Judge Kavanaugh confirmation has taken some interesting turns.  All of a sudden, several women have come forward and said that he had sexual assault events while in high school and freshman year of college.  How do you decide about his nomination?  From the press there are two very opposed camps.  One says he is guilty, and another is it is a smear campaign.   I don’t see or hear much of a middle ground in reports or interviews.   Is there a middle ground?  Can both be right and wrong?  

I think it comes down to if you believe he did this as a teenager and no matter what he has done with his adult life, then you say he should not be confirmed. Or, you believe that the accounts have too many discrepancies and he has led an impeccable adult life and should be confirmed. 

There is the argument that “the accusers have nothing to gain and untold scrutiny for coming forward.” I can accept that viewpoint.   Another argument is that he has everything to lose and will say anything to get confirmed.  I am not sure I accept that because of his record of decades of honorable behavior.     

I am conflicted by the whole event.  The women need to have their sides heard in a fair and impartial environment, don’t see that happening.  I can’t think there is a Senator who has not made up their minds.  Judge Kavanaugh is going to testify that none of this happened. 

Nobody is “winning” no matter what the outcome. Only the country loses.  If he is not confirmed, we lose a great legal mind. If he is confirmed, women are going to feel that coming forward is pointless.  I wish I had a great solution but as much as I want one, I can’t think of it. That is not good for anyone.

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