Wednesday, September 5, 2018

5 Sep 2018 You Have A Surprise Trip, Where?

You Have A Surprise Trip, Where?

If someone said, “you have an all expense trip for one week, but you have to leave tomorrow, where will you go.”  For me it would be Florence Italy.  That is one city I have always wanted to go to but have not made the effort. The history, architecture and museums are some of the best in the world.

You would think that it would be easy to get to Europe. There are so many flights with some incredible deals.  So, what is stopping me?  I guess I always planned to go there with someone.  It is one of those special places that to truly appreciate it needs a companion.  

A year or two ago I started looking into some Italian language courses.  I want to be able to have some conversations while there.  Now, that is not an excuse to keep me from going.  I just thought it would make the trip more enjoyable.

The question I ask myself, is Florence a dream or a goal?  If it is goal I need to make specific plans with dates and accountability. If it just a dream, then let it go.

I have to start to be more committed to things and not just think about them. Or at least spend more time on things that I really value and not waste time on mindless dreaming.  Pick a place to go and do it.

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