Thursday, September 20, 2018

20 Sep 2018 Are You An Extrovert?

Are You An Extrovert?

Most people would assume I am an extrovert.  In certain situations I am very outgoing, especially around people I know well.  However, when I am in a room of people I don’t know I am very quiet.  Believe it or not I can almost disappear in an unfamiliar room of people.  I do not go up to people and introduced myself.  

I can’t explain why I am so reluctant to start conversation with people.  Most of my friends would probably laugh if I said I was an introvert in a lot of situations.  They see a side of me that is the opposite of introversion.  In fact, at times I take extroversion a bit too far.  I will say things that may be inappropriate for a particular setting.  I have not been one to observe a lot of social norms. That may be why I go to the other extreme in unfamiliar settings.  

I am comfortable being alone.  I can spend an entire weekend by myself with no social interaction.   In fact, a majority of my time outside of work is with very little social interaction.  

So I have these two sides I show depending on the situation.  Is one better than the other?  I can’t say.  I am tending more towards the introvert side as time goes on.  It is a comfortable place, but is it one that expands my life? I don’t think so.  

I need to get more engaged with life.  It is something I will work on.

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