Tuesday, September 18, 2018

18 Sep 2018 Why Are They There

Why Are They There?

I never understood why people from news organizations are able to send crews to hurricane sites when the residents are told to evacuate.  What is it with the egos of the reporters who stand out in the wind like they are doing some public service?

Like it is some big surprise that there are high winds before a hurricane comes. Do they really think we are impressed that they stand out in the wind acting like it is some heroic effort on their part to report on it?

It is all about ratings, that’s it.  It has nothing to do with informing the public.  The public affected by the hurricane is informed by local authorities. The Weather Channel and CNN and others are only there for ratings to broadcast to the rest of the country.  

There is role for non-local news organizations before and after a hurricane. Being on-site and reporting outside during it is not one of them.  I for one do not watch their antics.  They give nothing of value during it.  I think I am smart enough to know that being outside in high winds from a hurricane is not advisable.  Would like to hear why they believe it is critical that they are.  

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