Saturday, September 1, 2018

1 Sep 2018 Why No Respect?

Why No Respect?

How could President Trump not show any respect to John McCain on his death? No statement until 3 days after fact. Flag at half-staff at the white House for half a day then back to normal.  It has since returned to half-staff.  

It was bad enough during the election when Trump said John McCain was not a hero because he was shot down. But to be small and petty and not recognize what John McCain gave to this country is inexcusable.  History will look very favorable on John McCain whereas Trump will be ridiculed.   

Trump is so insecure on the inside that he feels the need to act tough on the outside.  What he fails to understand is that a true warrior has humility and gratitude. Trump can never be a warrior because he is bully and coward.  

It would have been a gracious act on Trump’s part if he would have talked to John McCain in his final days and made amends and then praise him for a few days after his death.   But Trump is incapable of this.  It is so far beyond his basic human capacity.  I predict he will praise some dictator who dies while he is still President. This will show just who he really is.

I keep waiting to see just how low Trump can go.  I just have to accept that there is no end to the depths of his smallness. But I would expect nothing more from a coward.  

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