Thursday, September 13, 2018

13 Sep 2018 What Do You Think Of Judge Kavanaugh?

What Do You Think Of Judge Kavanaugh?

Brett Kavanaugh went through the Senate Judiciary committee conformation process last week. The process is kind of a joke. Once the rules were changed to a simple majority vice 60 votes it makes it pretty much a foregone conclusion if the nominee is going to get a confirmed or not.

By any measure Judge Kavanaugh is very qualified. People may disagree with some of his rulings, but he has the experience you look for in Supreme Court judges.  He even had a liberal judge who worked beside him say she fully supported his noimination. It is funny how each side says that a nominee is not mainstream if they are in the minority. But Democrats say that Judge Kavanaugh is extreme in his views on women’s rights and will overturn Roe v Wade. The Republicans could’ve made the exact same argument for Ruth Bader Ginsberg by saying she was not in the  mainstream due to her very liberal views.

What is the mainstream on the issues? It seems pretty clear with the country divided almost 50-50 that any position is going to be argued by the other side as not mainstream. For the most part there is really only one issue when a nominee comes before the Senate for Supreme Court confirmation. That is the abortion issue. I don’t know how there can be compromise on this one. You either believe that a woman has a right to choose what to do to her body during pregnancy or you take the position that any abortion is murder.

Merrick Garland got a raw deal from the Republicans when he was nominated for the Supreme Court. Mitch McConnell made a unilateral decision that he would not even hold a hearing because there was eight months to go in the next election and he was betting that perhaps a Republican would win the presidency. That bet paid off but with a huge cost. There will be a Democratic Senate at some point. There will be a Democratic president at some point. If there is a Democratic Senate in the upcoming midterm elections, not one judge will be confirmed. The Democrats will take this position for every level of judges. I don’t blame them. Merrick Garland was just as qualified as Brent Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsich. I hope he does get on the Supreme Court someday even though I may not agree with a lot of his judicial decisions. That is the fair thing.

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