Saturday, September 22, 2018

22 Sep 2018 Why Is It Hard to Commit To Something?

Why Is It Hard to Commit To Something?

I have tried a lot of different activities in my life but for very few I have not fully committed.  I was interested at the start but once things got rolling I would slowly fade away. Very similar to the people who join a fitness place at New Years and by March have quit.  

It comes down to commitment vice interested.  Commitment is all about passion. It is something you feel deep within you. For me passion has not been part of my life. I have not found those things that just grab you. I don’t equate risk-taking with passion. Though they may be synonymous depending on the activity. I feel willing to take risks. It is that illusive project out there that I searched for that I will be passionate about.  

I came across a program called Wake Up Warrior. It was started by a guy named Garrett White.  This program resonates with me. It does take a leap of faith to do some of the activities. However, it was the testimonials that got me to try it. This is not a program you can just go halfway with. You will be called out and given a chance to go all in and if you don’t they will drop you. You can put this program under the personal development label, it has you do a lot of introspection. There are some things that are similar if you use a personal coach but there’re also other activities. It has significant daily time demands with a lot of assignments and accountability. A big point of the program is to have you develop daily procedures and protocols. It works in 90 day blocks.

I will report back on the completion of my first block.

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