Tuesday, September 25, 2018

25 Sep 2018 What Will The Democrats Do If They Take The Senate?

What Will The Democrats Do If They Take The Senate?

The Democrats are doing everything possible to delay Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation. They may say it has to do with his judicial philosophy but that is just a small part. They have pounced on the sexual assault allegations which has provided them ammunition for the delay. They want to delay because they feel they have an opportunity to take over the Senate at the midterm elections. What would that mean? It would mean that not one single judge at any level nominated by Pres. Trump would be confirmed. Not one. Yes, they might go through the confirmation process, but in the end they will vote everyone of them down.

Why is that? It is all about Merrick Garland. He was nominated by Pres. Obama to the Supreme Court and the Republicans did not even give him a hearing. The Republicans delayed until the election to see if a Republican would win the Presidency. The Democrats wants revenge. And their revenge will be until Pres. Trump nominates Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court, no one will be confirmed.

Is this any way to run the Senate? Absolutely not. However, this is the reality of life today in Washington. What the Republicans did was wrong. Merrick Garland is just as qualified as Brett Kavanaugh. In fact, they’re on the same appeals court.

The challenge becomes just how long before the next election is a cut off for Supreme Court nomination? This is obviously not an issue the president and the Senate are in the same party. Knowing how dysfunctional Washington DC is at this time I can see you where the President will only get the first two years of his term for Supreme Court nominees if the Senate is of the same party.

It’s time to have an independent organization provide a recommendation if the candidate is qualified or not and the Senate has to have a full vote and either confirm or not.

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