Sunday, September 16, 2018

16 Sep 2018 How Long Is Too Long?

How Long Is Too Long?

The Statue of Limitations was designed to prevent prosecution for offenses that happened a set number of years in the past.  Murder has no such limitation.  How long should the limitation be for offenses of the #MeToo movement? Should sexual assault or sexual intimidation have a limit?  As time passes, the lack of physical evidence makes it become a he said/she said situation. This does not make it right.  A fully understand how traumatic rape is to the woman.  There are many reasons for not coming forward right away.  But how long is enough?  

Judge Kavanaugh has now been accused of something that happened when he was a minor in high school.  The happened over 35 years ago.   The victim claims she is still traumatized by the event.  Now she does not bring her case forward when he is going for Appeals Court confirmation. She does not bring it out in any high school reunion or any documented place.  Now she wants this accusation to go forward but she wants to remain anonymous.  How is this not political?  To me she has no credibility at all.  You want to stop the confirmation of a Supreme Court nominee just a week prior to his Senate vote but you want to not be known?  Sorry, too late.  You should have presented this a long time ago, decades ago.  Judge Kavanaugh has had 60 women come forward to support him. There has not been one negative comment on him for his personal demeanor.  I may not agree with all his judicial rulings, but this looks like an attempt at character assassination.  

I just don’t buy her story.  Remaining anonymous for something that happened when they were minors over 3 decades ago tells me it is political.  You are a mature adult now.  Have the character to come forward and face him directly.  Yes, you will be in the national spotlight.  Yes, it won’t be easy. You and your family will be subject to intense media coverage.   But, if you want to end this man’s career you have to do it in public.  You are a coward if you don’t and you have no credibility.  You can’t have it both ways, destroy his character and remain unknown.  

To the women in my life, I do understand how any sexual assault can be very damaging. This case though I feel the “victim” just wants to stop someone she disagrees with politically to get on the Supreme Court. I am sorry if you are offended with my position on this one.  

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