Sunday, September 23, 2018

23 Sep 2018 Will The Republican Party Survive Trump?

Will The Republican Party Survive Trump?

January 2017 the Republicans had everything going for them. It had the Presidency, House of Representatives and the Senate. In less than two years they’re on the verge of losing Congress. How could that happen? That answer is simple, Donald Trump. I don’t think there is ever been a more polarizing President. His style, if you want to call it that, is to always shows strength and never back down. To this day he still follows that way. He is never one for personal accountability. Everything is always somebody else’s fault.  

It is very rare for anyone in Congress to voice even the slightest disagreement with him. They’re going to see the results of that blind following in the midterm elections.

What historically has the Republican Party stood for? It was smaller government, a balanced budget, lower taxes, business friendly, strong military, and personal responsibility over government assistance. They have violated several of these. They have added more debt than any Republican administration ever. They have no concern of the economic consequences of this. But their worst failing is allowing this President to degrade many minority groups, our closest allies, and suck up to dictators.

I don’t see how the Republican Party and recover from this. We still have two more years at least of Donald Trump. I can’t see how he could get elected for a second term but then again, I could not understand how he got elected for the first. He is not going to change. If his goal was to destroy the Republican Party, he will succeed beyond his wildest dreams. As much as the Democrats loath him, he is their Savior. They should quietly thank him for all he does because they will be the beneficiaries.

The Republicans may survive Donald Trump but as a party in the minority for a long time.

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