Sunday, September 30, 2018

30 Sep 2018 How Do You End A Relationship?

How Do You End A Relationship?

Sometime over the course of one’s life you have to end a relationship. It can be business or personal.  The most difficult is with those you loved and the top of that is marriage.  There is no easy way to end a marriage.   Someone is going to be hurt even if both want it to end.  If you don’t want to end the marriage and the other person does, I can’t image how painful that is.

I have been the one who initiated the divorce in my first marriage.  Did I have good reasons?  Looking back, I really didn’t.  I had built up these issues in my mind that I would be better off single. I started and then stopped the process twice which only caused more hurt.  I moved us to another state thinking that would “solve” things.  It didn’t and 4 months after moving I left.  Could we have worked things out?  We most certainly could have if I was just open and honest.  That was over 11 years ago.  I carry a lot of guilt and shame.   I have gained a lot of lessons learned from that experience.   

I am now facing the challenge in my second marriage.  There are a lot of differences than my previous marriage.  The biggest difference is I communicate and let her know what I feel.  I am open and honest.  It does make it any easier from an emotional standpoint.  There are going to be many tears shed as we decide what is best for us. Nobody ever wins in a relationship that is challenged.  Both sides loose, just one loses more.  

 I never want to hurt anyone again.  I have done more than my share.  I have hurt myself too, just never at the level I hurt others.  I don’t mean that in a self-pity way, just a realization that there were consequences to myself for my poor actions.  

No easy way to end a relationship but staying together to avoid hurt is not a solution and will only cause greater issues later.  Empathy, honesty and communication is what is needed. 

Saturday, September 29, 2018

29 Sep 2018 How Do You Deal With Anger?

How Do You Deal With Anger?

I have always kept my anger inside.  There were plenty of times when I would get pissed like in traffic, but when really mad, it stayed inside.  This has caused a lot of challenges both for me and those around me.  I am sure it has had its negative effects physically.   I can’t pin point exactly what it has caused but as a contributing factor it has to be there.

Not expressing my anger to those close to me was a form of lying.  How can they help or change the situation if they don’t know?  I am sure they felt my anger just by my body language, but not talking about it helped no one.  It built resentment in me even though I was the cause of it.  

Now the situation that made me mad may have merit in that response.  But by not responding it prevents the dialogue necessary to help solve things.  As this became the norm for how I dealt with situations I can only guess how they felt. I may have thought I was helping the situation by not speaking up but that was an illusion. It was only the story I was telling myself.  It made for a convenient scapegoat.   “You pissed me off and I will show you by giving you the silent treatment.”  Man, see how tough I am?  Man, see how stupid I was.  

It is ok to express anger, as long as it is controlled and measured.  Keeping it in does not work.  It has to be released.  If you are going to release it, make sure the response is appropriate for the cause.  Better yet, talk to those close to you before any anger comes out.  You just might be able to diffuse the situation and all parties will be better. 

Friday, September 28, 2018

28 Sep 2018 How Much Do You Read?

How Much Do You Read?

I have been an avid reader my whole adult life.  I love books, magazines and newspapers.  I have mainly read biographies and history.  I did dabble a little in science fiction but only for a couple of books, it just did not grab me.  The same with Lord of the Rings type of genre.  I started it and 50 pages in just did not go on.  If I love a book I can get lost for many hours and loss of sleep. 

I use to subscribe to 7 or 8 magazines, however, have had to dial that back just due to the volume of time required to keep up.  I love The Economist magazine but it is just too dense to get through and have time for other reading efforts.  My magazines today are Monocle (outstanding, very highly recommended), Wired and Fast Company.  The only newspaper I get hard copy is the Saturday Wall Street Journal, with the occasional Friday version. Just about all of these have digital versions but I prefer the print version.  

Audiobooks have become a big part of my “reading.”  It allows me to use my commuting time more effectively as well as when I get on my spin bike for a workout.  

Podcasts are also something I spend a lot of time on.  As with magazines, I have to be very selective.  Currently my listening time goes to Jocko Podcast, Tim Ferriss, NY Times The Daily and Morning Joe.  If I don’t get the current version of these I rarely go back and listen to them, I just delete them.  There is only so much time.

So I have at least 5 books sitting on my floor, 2 audio books, 2 magazines, and 3 podcasts lined up.  I can only consume so much because I also need to produce.  It is a delicate balance, but a good one to have. 

Thursday, September 27, 2018

27 Sep 2018 How Do You Make A Choice?

How Do You Make A Choice?

The Judge Kavanaugh confirmation has taken some interesting turns.  All of a sudden, several women have come forward and said that he had sexual assault events while in high school and freshman year of college.  How do you decide about his nomination?  From the press there are two very opposed camps.  One says he is guilty, and another is it is a smear campaign.   I don’t see or hear much of a middle ground in reports or interviews.   Is there a middle ground?  Can both be right and wrong?  

I think it comes down to if you believe he did this as a teenager and no matter what he has done with his adult life, then you say he should not be confirmed. Or, you believe that the accounts have too many discrepancies and he has led an impeccable adult life and should be confirmed. 

There is the argument that “the accusers have nothing to gain and untold scrutiny for coming forward.” I can accept that viewpoint.   Another argument is that he has everything to lose and will say anything to get confirmed.  I am not sure I accept that because of his record of decades of honorable behavior.     

I am conflicted by the whole event.  The women need to have their sides heard in a fair and impartial environment, don’t see that happening.  I can’t think there is a Senator who has not made up their minds.  Judge Kavanaugh is going to testify that none of this happened. 

Nobody is “winning” no matter what the outcome. Only the country loses.  If he is not confirmed, we lose a great legal mind. If he is confirmed, women are going to feel that coming forward is pointless.  I wish I had a great solution but as much as I want one, I can’t think of it. That is not good for anyone.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

26 Sep 2018 Is The Program Legit?

Is The Program Legit?

There are multitudes of personal development programs available. You can specialize in one specific area of your life or there are some maybe more general. The challenge is, do you feel the programs are legit when you make an investment in them? No matter what the program there will always be very staunch supporters of it and others who are highly critical of it. Have people who are critical truly given the program a chance and did what was asked of them? 

Most programs have an introductory low cost start. Hopefully this gives you a strong overview of all areas of the program so that you can make an informed decision on whether you want to continue. Most of my experience has shown that there is a higher cost to go to the next level of the program and you get even more personalized attention. 

In early August I started the program called Wake Up Warrior. It has been around for over six years. There was an initial 30 day program at a low-cost and then the next 90 days is a larger investment. And there are several other follow options that escalate rapidly in cost. In fact, the Founder has two very high level options at $100,000 and $250,000.  And you know what, he has people paying it. In my research I have found many strong testimonials and I have also found detractors who think it is a big scam.

All I can say is that whatever program you go into it either works for you or doesn’t. If you feel it is making a major difference in your life, then the cost does not matter. And if the program does not resonate with you and it is a truly ethical program they should refund your money with the potential of some cutoff date. 

A program only works if you are fully committed to it and do what they say to do. If you pick and choose the activities you like and ignore the ones you don’t then I am not sure you have a valid critique of the system.

Personal development programs or personal coaching may not be for everybody. For me, I know they have value and will continue to use them.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

25 Sep 2018 What Will The Democrats Do If They Take The Senate?

What Will The Democrats Do If They Take The Senate?

The Democrats are doing everything possible to delay Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation. They may say it has to do with his judicial philosophy but that is just a small part. They have pounced on the sexual assault allegations which has provided them ammunition for the delay. They want to delay because they feel they have an opportunity to take over the Senate at the midterm elections. What would that mean? It would mean that not one single judge at any level nominated by Pres. Trump would be confirmed. Not one. Yes, they might go through the confirmation process, but in the end they will vote everyone of them down.

Why is that? It is all about Merrick Garland. He was nominated by Pres. Obama to the Supreme Court and the Republicans did not even give him a hearing. The Republicans delayed until the election to see if a Republican would win the Presidency. The Democrats wants revenge. And their revenge will be until Pres. Trump nominates Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court, no one will be confirmed.

Is this any way to run the Senate? Absolutely not. However, this is the reality of life today in Washington. What the Republicans did was wrong. Merrick Garland is just as qualified as Brett Kavanaugh. In fact, they’re on the same appeals court.

The challenge becomes just how long before the next election is a cut off for Supreme Court nomination? This is obviously not an issue the president and the Senate are in the same party. Knowing how dysfunctional Washington DC is at this time I can see you where the President will only get the first two years of his term for Supreme Court nominees if the Senate is of the same party.

It’s time to have an independent organization provide a recommendation if the candidate is qualified or not and the Senate has to have a full vote and either confirm or not.

Monday, September 24, 2018

24 Sep 2018 Way Nothing From Vice President Pence?

Way Nothing From Vice President Pence?

Nobody has sold their soul to Pres. Trump more than Vice President Pence.  I can think of nothing that VP Pence has done in his past that would be in line in any way shape or form with Pres. Trump. Pres. Trump is not a conservative, never has been, and never will be. He chose to run as a Republican because he saw an opportunity to disrupt that party. Pence on the other hand has always been a hard, right wing conservative. Even though he is from Indiana, I can’t say I had ever heard of him prior to being the Vice President. In looking at his record I doubt I agree with much that he has said or done. For someone who claims to be a devout Christian I can’t believe he shows such undying support to the President. Trump is far from a Christian. So, Pence sold out all he believes in in order for political gain. It is really hard to respect someone who said his principles means nothing if they get in the way a political office.

I understand the Vice President this supposed to support the president. I doubt the VP was so devious that he hoped Trump would be impeached and he would move up to be the President. That is just not going to happen, though I would not be upset if it did. Pence may be licking Trumps shoes at this point in time, but he would at least steer the Republican Party back to its historical positions. I can’t see a scenario where I would ever support Pence because of what he did to sell out his principles.

Pence may say he is working in the background to make Trump a better President, however, he is failing greatly at that. He does not realize that he is going to go down in history as a joke of a VP and as someone who only wanted to please Donald Trump, his Christian principles be dammed. 

Sunday, September 23, 2018

23 Sep 2018 Will The Republican Party Survive Trump?

Will The Republican Party Survive Trump?

January 2017 the Republicans had everything going for them. It had the Presidency, House of Representatives and the Senate. In less than two years they’re on the verge of losing Congress. How could that happen? That answer is simple, Donald Trump. I don’t think there is ever been a more polarizing President. His style, if you want to call it that, is to always shows strength and never back down. To this day he still follows that way. He is never one for personal accountability. Everything is always somebody else’s fault.  

It is very rare for anyone in Congress to voice even the slightest disagreement with him. They’re going to see the results of that blind following in the midterm elections.

What historically has the Republican Party stood for? It was smaller government, a balanced budget, lower taxes, business friendly, strong military, and personal responsibility over government assistance. They have violated several of these. They have added more debt than any Republican administration ever. They have no concern of the economic consequences of this. But their worst failing is allowing this President to degrade many minority groups, our closest allies, and suck up to dictators.

I don’t see how the Republican Party and recover from this. We still have two more years at least of Donald Trump. I can’t see how he could get elected for a second term but then again, I could not understand how he got elected for the first. He is not going to change. If his goal was to destroy the Republican Party, he will succeed beyond his wildest dreams. As much as the Democrats loath him, he is their Savior. They should quietly thank him for all he does because they will be the beneficiaries.

The Republicans may survive Donald Trump but as a party in the minority for a long time.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

22 Sep 2018 Why Is It Hard to Commit To Something?

Why Is It Hard to Commit To Something?

I have tried a lot of different activities in my life but for very few I have not fully committed.  I was interested at the start but once things got rolling I would slowly fade away. Very similar to the people who join a fitness place at New Years and by March have quit.  

It comes down to commitment vice interested.  Commitment is all about passion. It is something you feel deep within you. For me passion has not been part of my life. I have not found those things that just grab you. I don’t equate risk-taking with passion. Though they may be synonymous depending on the activity. I feel willing to take risks. It is that illusive project out there that I searched for that I will be passionate about.  

I came across a program called Wake Up Warrior. It was started by a guy named Garrett White.  This program resonates with me. It does take a leap of faith to do some of the activities. However, it was the testimonials that got me to try it. This is not a program you can just go halfway with. You will be called out and given a chance to go all in and if you don’t they will drop you. You can put this program under the personal development label, it has you do a lot of introspection. There are some things that are similar if you use a personal coach but there’re also other activities. It has significant daily time demands with a lot of assignments and accountability. A big point of the program is to have you develop daily procedures and protocols. It works in 90 day blocks.

I will report back on the completion of my first block.

Friday, September 21, 2018

21 Sep 2018 Should Kavanaugh Be Confirmed?

Should Kavanaugh Be Confirmed?

Now that his accuser has come forward and will testify, should Judge Kavanaugh be confirmed?  It is going to be her word against his and a friend of his who was with him.  She says he did it, both of them say he didn’t.  Now a pessimist would say both of the guys are lying to protect him.  Also, what does she have to gain from this.  I still have not seen what her intention is.  Is it purely to derail his nomination to the Supreme Court?  If that is the case then it is political and not for justice.  Six years ago, she told a therapist that Judge Kavanaugh assaulted her.  The MeToo movement started over a year and a half ago. Why did she not speak up then? Why now? So it was ok for him to be an Appeals Court judge but not on the Supreme Court?

I am not taking Judge Kavanaugh’s side.  A drunk teenager very well may have committed this.  We will never know, unless he takes a lie detector as she did. He may have to. Hers came up as not deceptive.  Both will be under oath and both will say conflicting stories.  One is right and the other is wrong.  Both may be telling the truth as they remember it.  

I would disqualify him if he now says he may have done it, because he forcefully denied it at first.  If he would have come out and admitted it may have happened but he was drunk and did not know it was this traumatic to her, I may still support him.  Nothing in his adult life shows anything like this incident. He has 65 women who support him.  

This is a tough one.  Should this claim, of something done in High School, deny him the Supreme Court? Should his record of supporting women lawyers have any relevance?  She has nothing to gain, except the undying gratitude of liberals, if she is successful at derailing his confirmation.  He has everything to lose if he was not truthful.  Who do you believe, I just don’t know.   

Thursday, September 20, 2018

20 Sep 2018 Are You An Extrovert?

Are You An Extrovert?

Most people would assume I am an extrovert.  In certain situations I am very outgoing, especially around people I know well.  However, when I am in a room of people I don’t know I am very quiet.  Believe it or not I can almost disappear in an unfamiliar room of people.  I do not go up to people and introduced myself.  

I can’t explain why I am so reluctant to start conversation with people.  Most of my friends would probably laugh if I said I was an introvert in a lot of situations.  They see a side of me that is the opposite of introversion.  In fact, at times I take extroversion a bit too far.  I will say things that may be inappropriate for a particular setting.  I have not been one to observe a lot of social norms. That may be why I go to the other extreme in unfamiliar settings.  

I am comfortable being alone.  I can spend an entire weekend by myself with no social interaction.   In fact, a majority of my time outside of work is with very little social interaction.  

So I have these two sides I show depending on the situation.  Is one better than the other?  I can’t say.  I am tending more towards the introvert side as time goes on.  It is a comfortable place, but is it one that expands my life? I don’t think so.  

I need to get more engaged with life.  It is something I will work on.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

19 Sep 2018 How Do You Deal With Racism?

How Do You Deal With Racism?

I am not talking about confronting a neo-nazi or Klansman, those situation are pretty straight forward.  If you don’t confront them then you pretty much condone their actions.   There are times at work where someone will say something that just doesn’t sound right.  It might not be an overt racist statement but you can hear it in how it is said.  This can be challenging because you know people will get very defensive if you imply that what they said is racist.  

The question is, do you confront them or do you let it slide.  Now confront may be too harsh a word.  Do you talk to the person in private and ask what they meant? Sometimes they may not even know that what they said could be interpreted as offensive.  One guy at work used the term “Jew’d them down” when talking about negotiating a price on something.  He said it to a couple of people where a Jewish guy could hear it. I have to admit I did not say anything to him about.

A few months later this same guy said “why don’t they hire Americans” when complaining about having to deal with people who English is a second language. This time I could not let that go. As expected he got defensive, but I let him know that that was not acceptable.  If he does something like that again I will bring his supervisor into it. I know that it will cause an issue between him and I and it will be questioned on the floor as “what’s the big deal.”  However, in my experience you need to stop the “little stuff” because sooner or later bigger things will be said. 

Are you willing to put your career at risk to defend what is right?  I know many won’t.  They will say that their family is more important and if they lost their job it would impact them more than “a little bad language.”  My answer to that is you either have principles or you don’t.  Stand up for them.  It may have consequences but it is the right thing to do. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

18 Sep 2018 Why Are They There

Why Are They There?

I never understood why people from news organizations are able to send crews to hurricane sites when the residents are told to evacuate.  What is it with the egos of the reporters who stand out in the wind like they are doing some public service?

Like it is some big surprise that there are high winds before a hurricane comes. Do they really think we are impressed that they stand out in the wind acting like it is some heroic effort on their part to report on it?

It is all about ratings, that’s it.  It has nothing to do with informing the public.  The public affected by the hurricane is informed by local authorities. The Weather Channel and CNN and others are only there for ratings to broadcast to the rest of the country.  

There is role for non-local news organizations before and after a hurricane. Being on-site and reporting outside during it is not one of them.  I for one do not watch their antics.  They give nothing of value during it.  I think I am smart enough to know that being outside in high winds from a hurricane is not advisable.  Would like to hear why they believe it is critical that they are.  

Monday, September 17, 2018

17 Sep 2018 Who Are Movie Critics

Who Are Movie Critics?

Who Are Movie Critics?

I have always wondered what criteria it takes to be a movie critic.  You can also add, theater, food, and art.  If these areas are purely subjective, why does anyone persons opinion matter over others?

People put their heart and soul into creating stuff and one person’s view on it can destroy it.  I don’t get it.  I probably have different tastes in all the above areas than someone who critics it on tv or newspapers.  Just because they have an opinion one way or the other on something does not mean I would agree.  

It is kinda like the Academy Awards.  Very rarely do the give picture to the one that grossed the most money. That would be too easy.  The public said what the best picture was.  No, they like to pat themselves on the back and give the award to a movie that has more “artistic merit.”     

I believe all critics in their respective fields be required to actually produce a film, music or open a restaurant before they can critic others work. Kinda like college professors who don’t try to succeed in the business world, but teach what is good business.

The Teddy Roosevelt “Man in the arena” speech is needed to remind critics that it is not they who dared but the ones who tried to create something.  It is so easy to be a critic, you just need to be someone who can’t make it the profession they like and give them a platform to bitch.      

Sunday, September 16, 2018

16 Sep 2018 How Long Is Too Long?

How Long Is Too Long?

The Statue of Limitations was designed to prevent prosecution for offenses that happened a set number of years in the past.  Murder has no such limitation.  How long should the limitation be for offenses of the #MeToo movement? Should sexual assault or sexual intimidation have a limit?  As time passes, the lack of physical evidence makes it become a he said/she said situation. This does not make it right.  A fully understand how traumatic rape is to the woman.  There are many reasons for not coming forward right away.  But how long is enough?  

Judge Kavanaugh has now been accused of something that happened when he was a minor in high school.  The happened over 35 years ago.   The victim claims she is still traumatized by the event.  Now she does not bring her case forward when he is going for Appeals Court confirmation. She does not bring it out in any high school reunion or any documented place.  Now she wants this accusation to go forward but she wants to remain anonymous.  How is this not political?  To me she has no credibility at all.  You want to stop the confirmation of a Supreme Court nominee just a week prior to his Senate vote but you want to not be known?  Sorry, too late.  You should have presented this a long time ago, decades ago.  Judge Kavanaugh has had 60 women come forward to support him. There has not been one negative comment on him for his personal demeanor.  I may not agree with all his judicial rulings, but this looks like an attempt at character assassination.  

I just don’t buy her story.  Remaining anonymous for something that happened when they were minors over 3 decades ago tells me it is political.  You are a mature adult now.  Have the character to come forward and face him directly.  Yes, you will be in the national spotlight.  Yes, it won’t be easy. You and your family will be subject to intense media coverage.   But, if you want to end this man’s career you have to do it in public.  You are a coward if you don’t and you have no credibility.  You can’t have it both ways, destroy his character and remain unknown.  

To the women in my life, I do understand how any sexual assault can be very damaging. This case though I feel the “victim” just wants to stop someone she disagrees with politically to get on the Supreme Court. I am sorry if you are offended with my position on this one.  

Saturday, September 15, 2018

15 Sep 2018 Are People In Congress Different?

Are People In Congress Different?

When I hear most of the people from the House of Representatives speak I wonder how they ever got elected.  This was especially true when Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook was testifying.  A lot of the questions asked showed a complete ignorance of even the easiest technology.  Why would you ask a question that makes you look stupid?  

It got me thinking, are the members in the House just different from most of the population?  Do you have to be a certain type of person to be elected the House?  I believe this is true.  Does the process to get elected just keep quality people from running?  I can’t think most elected Representatives could be successful in the business world.  This may be truer for the people over age 50.  The younger people running who are under 40 appear to come from varied backgrounds and present themselves better.  However, that is not the case with my Congressman, Matt Gaetz.  His only goal is to spend his time sucking up to President Trump.  I have not seen anything of note that he has done in Congress.  He is on track to be a professional politician.  

I am a firm supporter of term limits in Congress.  We need turn-over in that body.  People who stay there for years get so out of touch with the real world that they fail to do their basic job.  

Those in Congress are different and not in the positive sense.    

Friday, September 14, 2018

14 Sep 2018 Does Washington Represent Us?

Does Washington Represent Us?

I often wonder if people in Washington DC really represent us? The political shows that come on Sunday morning act like a national crisis going on. Now a lot of people really hate the way president Trump is running things. However, I don’t sense that national emergency feeling outside of Washington. I live in Northwest Florida which is a very traditional republican stronghold. However, there is also quite a few Democrats here. At my work there is hardly ever any discussion or hint that people feel we are in some crisis due to the President’s actions. Do people agree and disagree on what he does, yes. But there is no talk of impeachment or the 25thamendment or any other way to get him out of office. Most people just go about their jobs and life.

There is a lot of hyperbole in the Washington bubble. Both sides of the political spectrum hurl insults at each other and claim the other is stopping legislation and any other number of “major” transgressions. I admit I enjoy reading about politics and getting knowledgeable on the issues and the people that are the leaders of both parties. I have to say it’s all about ego and power. That’s it. It has nothing to do with doctrine or policies or anything like that. The people in power love being in power. I am not sure what causes people to lose their principles or their basic integrity when they go to Washington. I lived in the Washington DC area for 15 years. So, the local papers were all about politics. Now are all the people bad, no. They just put a party above country. I understand that they truly believe that their party and their policies are really what’s the best for the country. I would rather have a 50-50 split then one party having a super majority where they can railroad any legislation without any opposition. That is not a democracy.

“Drain the swamp” was a catchy phrase during the last election. However, that is purely on your point of view. One person’s swamp is another person’s great place to be. I don’t see Washington changing for quite a while. Until we get a viable independent party or candidates of sizable numbers we are stuck with the gridlock and personalities of the two parties we have today. Maybe it’s time to have that independent party?   

Thursday, September 13, 2018

13 Sep 2018 What Do You Think Of Judge Kavanaugh?

What Do You Think Of Judge Kavanaugh?

Brett Kavanaugh went through the Senate Judiciary committee conformation process last week. The process is kind of a joke. Once the rules were changed to a simple majority vice 60 votes it makes it pretty much a foregone conclusion if the nominee is going to get a confirmed or not.

By any measure Judge Kavanaugh is very qualified. People may disagree with some of his rulings, but he has the experience you look for in Supreme Court judges.  He even had a liberal judge who worked beside him say she fully supported his noimination. It is funny how each side says that a nominee is not mainstream if they are in the minority. But Democrats say that Judge Kavanaugh is extreme in his views on women’s rights and will overturn Roe v Wade. The Republicans could’ve made the exact same argument for Ruth Bader Ginsberg by saying she was not in the  mainstream due to her very liberal views.

What is the mainstream on the issues? It seems pretty clear with the country divided almost 50-50 that any position is going to be argued by the other side as not mainstream. For the most part there is really only one issue when a nominee comes before the Senate for Supreme Court confirmation. That is the abortion issue. I don’t know how there can be compromise on this one. You either believe that a woman has a right to choose what to do to her body during pregnancy or you take the position that any abortion is murder.

Merrick Garland got a raw deal from the Republicans when he was nominated for the Supreme Court. Mitch McConnell made a unilateral decision that he would not even hold a hearing because there was eight months to go in the next election and he was betting that perhaps a Republican would win the presidency. That bet paid off but with a huge cost. There will be a Democratic Senate at some point. There will be a Democratic president at some point. If there is a Democratic Senate in the upcoming midterm elections, not one judge will be confirmed. The Democrats will take this position for every level of judges. I don’t blame them. Merrick Garland was just as qualified as Brent Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsich. I hope he does get on the Supreme Court someday even though I may not agree with a lot of his judicial decisions. That is the fair thing.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

12 Sep 2018 Do All Countries Whitewash History?

Do All Countries Whitewash History?

There is a saying that history is written by the victors.  This is very true.  What they write may be different from what actually happened.  Japan was a big loser in World War II, but do they teach what they did to contribute to the war or actions they did during it?  History books in Japan portrait it as having to go to war due to aggression of the US.  Also, Japan has only recently acknowledged some of its more egregious acts such as woman used as sex slaves and medical experimentation on POW’s. 
Japan is not alone.  Most countries write favorably about its history and minimize the negative aspects. This is only human nature. However, when a country denies or misrepresents its actions, then a problem exists because once it is print it becomes difficult to change.  If many sources write the same falsehoods, overtime it may become viewed as the truth. 

The King James Bible, one of the world’s most read books may have a lot of it that does not represent what actually was true.  A group of white men who were in the clergy gathered many documents and they decided what was true and what wasn’t.  They also wrote to appease King James and what he wanted to hear.  There can be a lot of debate about what is objective and what is subjective in it.  They quote as verbatim that “Jesus said…”  Even the source of these were written down by Peter or Paul many years after the fact.  Did Peter and Paul and the others remember exactly what was said word for word?  I highly doubt it.  Did they convey the intended meaning, maybe? 

I enjoy reading history.  I also know that it is an interpterion of sources that the author used to create the book.  How much is really true, that is hard to tell.  If two people can see the same event today and come to different conclusions, how are we to believe what is “true” decades or centuries ago?   Most of the truth is lost to history. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

11 Sep 2018 What Has 9-11 Taught Us?

What Has 9-11 Taught Us?

It has been 17 years since that fateful day.  It was a historical day that just about everyone can say where they were when the heard or saw it. Every year it fades a little from the country’s consciousness.  Maybe not to the people in New York or perhaps Washington DC, but for many it does. Kids born that month are now seniors in high school.  

So, what have we learned from it?  For one, we learned that our leaders can overreact with serious consequences. Personal privacy has been greatly and perhaps irrevocably reduced in the name of national security.  The intrusion of the government into our lives and data is far reaching.  You would be hard pressed to convince me this has been a good thing.  Many political leaders hide behind national security to get laws passed or programs funded.  Hundreds of billions of dollars were spent under this argument.

The world gave us permission to go after Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan.  It did not give us permission to go into Iraq.  I agreed that Sadam Hussien was a very bad dictator who needed to go.  However, we used BS arguments to do it.  There are a lot of bad dictators who we have chosen not to go after.  We had no planning for what to do once we got rid of him. 9-11 not only impacted the US but it has caused major changes in the Middle East, and not all for the good.

 9-11 has had a big impact on how people react to hostage situations.  Most will not be passive anymore but will assume they will be killed.  This is a “positive” albeit not an intended one.

We need to elect politicians who react quickly to face national emergencies like 9-11 but more importantly, we need those who know when to stop.  After 17 years, we still don’t know when it will stop.

Monday, September 10, 2018

10 Sep 2018 What One Song Would You Listen To?

What One Song Would You Listen To?

If you had to listen to one song for 24 hours what would it be? Audio books don’t count.  I am sure after 24 hours it would not be your favorite song.  Do you go for a long one?  That may sound good but no matter the length, after 24 hours it would get old.

Probably the first thing you need to do is decide what genre the song would come from.  Mine would be rock or classical.  Next criteria would be lyrics, or minimal ones, or no lyrics.  Not sure on this one.  When do you start the song the first time? Early in the morning and listen all day and then only have to sleep through the last part?  Start at bedtime and then all the next day?  I go for start early in the morning.

I finally decided I wanted something that is soothing and helps get work done. If it also helps me sleep then that is ok too.  This had me eliminate any rock song as it would not meet this criterion.  

The song I did choose was Sound Meditation 1 - 1stMovement by Benjamin Jobst on his Seven Metals – Singing Bowls of Tibet album.   I have listened to this many times.  I can read, sleep, write even workout to it.  It has no lyrics, just a melodic rhythm that is relaxing.  I could easily play this for 24 hours. 

Sunday, September 9, 2018

9 Sep 2018 Should They Have Signed Their Name?

Should They Have Signed Their Name?

There was an op-ed in the New York Times this week that was very critical of President Trump and got a lot of publicity.  The issue was the person did it anonymously.  Is that person a coward for not standing behind their words or was it ok?

The reality is that person would have been fired if they had signed the op-ed. But if you truly believe the person you work for is damaging the country, how can you stay?  I am not sure I buy the argument that they are working on the “inside” to protect the country. They also claim that there are others who share their belief.  Again, I am not persuaded with this argument.  I feel you can help the country more by coming forward and announcing in public what you believe.  If you are truly the “senior administration official” the Times says you are, then your voice will have weight.  Right now, you play into the narrative the President rants about the “deep state.”

Hiding behind anonymity is cowardly.  Your life is not is danger if you go public.  Your service working “behind the scenes” is not as large as the service you would provide being public.  Your ego is at play here.  You convinced yourself that you are right by writing the op-ed, but you negated it by hiding your name.  You may feel righteous in what you did, and I agree with what you said.  But, your lack of authenticity shows that you really are small and weak.  You may be a “senior administration official” but when you look in the mirror each morning, you know you are gutless.  Have the courage to stand up publicly with what you believe.  Quit if you have to.  No job is higher than your principles.  You sold out your principles for headlines.  Just because you stayed to work from the inside does not make you a better person.  Come forward and stand behind your words.  It is the right thing to do.      

Saturday, September 8, 2018

8 Sep 2018 Does The National Debt Mean Anything?

Does The National Debt Mean Anything?

We see debates about the national debt and the threat of shutting down the government twice a year if the debt ceiling is not raised.  The US has always had periods of high debt, especially during wartime.  This century started off promising then 9-11 came and ensuing wars we are paying for even today.  Oh, in the middle of that was the housing meltdown and bank support all paid for through debt.

There is not a scenario where the debt is going to be paid off or even paid down. No politician wants to make the necessary cuts to get the country on better financial footing.  They want the cuts to come in areas outside their districts. So, nothing gets done and the debt goes higher.

Interest rates have been at historic lows which have helped mask the magnitude of the debt.  Nothing is for free.  When interest rates go up, the debt payments go up which causes more borrowing.  They borrow new money to help pay off old debts. This is a vicious cycle that only leads to real problems.  

The percentage of debt to gross national product is raising.  That means more money has to be spent to service the debt than can be used to pay for other services.

People under 40 have to be made aware of how this is going to impact their future. Taxes will have to go up to pay for debt interest.  Services are going to be cut.  You can’t print you way out of this with more money.  That just increases inflation which leads to more debt.

We need leaders who are willing to make the tough decision to pay down debt. Everybody needs to pay and that means everybody.  Some may not pay with direct taxes but through reduced services. 

National debt is a big deal.  It can’t be ignored.  Get smart and demand action. 

Friday, September 7, 2018

7 Sep 2018 Should A State Be Able to Secede?

Should A State Be Able to Secede?

There has been debate by different people out in California about seceding from the US.  The State would rank very high as a standalone country from an economic standpoint. There have even been articles about dividing the State into three individual states.  This will focus on secession.  

The Constitution does not specifically address the situation on a State to secede. It does not forbid it.  The 10thAmendment says anything not expressly prohibited in the Constitution is allowed by a State.  So, a State does have the right secede.    You can read many articles on the Civil War where the south’s argument was not about slavery but on the States Rights issue.   Now I don’t believe the South’s position on the Civil War.  To me it always will be about slavery.

Some may say it is similar to England leaving the European Union, however, that is only tangential as there are policies that address this in the European Union Constitution.

California can set up laws and policies that can lead to secession.  It would need a vote of the State populace.  They would need to avoid the English mistake of only requiring a simple majority of those who voted to leave the EU. If I were a resident of California, I would require at least a 60% majority for a State to secede.  It is such a massive disruption to the US and a State that anything percentage less would be a mistake.

Can a State secede, absolutely?  Should it? I can’t think of scenario where any State would be better off outside of the Union, but if the residents want it then have at it. 


Thursday, September 6, 2018

6 Sep 2018 Where Is Home To You?

Where Is Home To You?

One question that people are asked is where they are from?  This usually means where you grew up.  I am from Chesterton, In. in northwest Indiana.  But home is a different thing.  Home is where you just have that feeling that is the place you need and want to be. 

I have lived in several places since I left home.  I spent most of the 1980’s in Virginia Beach, VA.  The 90’s until 2008 I was in Burke, Va. a suburb of Washing to DC. Then I spent 4 years in Huntsville, Al.  The last 6 years I have lived in northwest Florida, the towns of Niceville and Crestview.

I have not felt a sense of home in any of these places.  They were really nice areas and had many positive attributes. My sister and her son have remained in Chesterton their whole lives.  I envy them in one aspect.  They grew deep roots.  It is a good place to live even with the challenging winters.

I would like to do some extended travel and stay overseas as I mentioned in a previous post.  However, I also want to find that place where it just feels like home.  At some point that place will be my retirement home. It may act as a base while I still travel but will be where I may try to start some roots myself.

I understand that it is the people who you are with that is more important than any place.  A location can also have a strong attraction too.  Like Scarlet O’Hara in Gone With The Wind, her place “Tara” was deep within her.

I need to find my real home.  I need to come home.