Sunday, December 9, 2018

9 Dec 2018 Does Oprah Have Big Political Influence?

Does Oprah Have Big Political Influence?

There was a lot press this year about Oprah possibly running for President.  I get why people want to consider it, however, most have no idea just how grueling it is. Take a look at pictures of Bill Clinton, George W Bush and Barack Obama from their inauguration and then their final days.  They aged considerably.  There are really no days off.  

Oprah is a name that has been thrown out there as someone who should consider running.  Politics is its own business. That is why it is rare to see a businessman who is good at politics and a politician who is good at business.  I respect what she has done in business.  We probably differ on a lot of issues but am sure we are in agreement on many too.   

Oprah can have a large influence in politics not by running but financing candidates and speaking out about them and the issues.  Once she steps into the arena, the rest of the Democratic candidates will be less than helpful.  She will be treated as anyone else, that is it is fair game to bring up all ones faults and magnify them even if minor.     

I think she should stay out of the race and be someone who influences the party. She should not commit to any one candidate unless she is so enamored with them that she is all in early.  She could help a lot of Senate candidates. Winning back the Senate and keeping the House are critical goals too.  

Oprah has the money and “star” power to be big in the Democratic party.  However, if she runs then she just another candidate. That is not her strength. Stay out lead elsewhere. 

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