Friday, December 21, 2018

21 Dec 2018 Is Alone The Answer?

Is Alone The Answer?

After the divorce from my first marriage, my mother could not accept that I was happy alone.  It was such an alien concept to her.  No matter what I said she did not believe me.  She thought I was really miserable deep down inside. I was and am comfortable being alone. However, that is not how I think a full life should be lived.

I have no problem spending a lot of time by myself.  However, it is easy especially for me to get disconnected from people when I do that.  I can go a whole weekend with very little interaction.  I know my life is better the more I get out of my comfort zone and meet people.  

One of my goals is to be more sociable and meet more people.  I know I have to be the one who reaches out and initiates the interaction.  People are not going to just start coming up to me.  I was told by a coach that to really grow you need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.  I have taken the comfortable route for most of my life.  It is time to see what uncomfortable brings me.  

I am ok with alone but know it is not the answer.  I am not ok with just ok anymore. 

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