Tuesday, December 4, 2018

4 Dec 2018 What Did You Think Of President Bush?

What Did You Think Of President Bush?

The death of George H.W. Bush, Bush 41, brings to close an area in the Presidency. He is the last to be associated with World War II.  He may have been the most qualified person to be President if you looked purely at his resume. He was never going to come off as a tough guy, he did not have a commanding physical presence or voice.  His was a different type of leadership. It was quiet and diplomatic.  He could get along with just about anyone.  It is a testament to who he is when Bill Clinton, the person who defeated him for a second term, counts him as a close friend. Very similar to the relationship his son George W has with the Obamas.  

I liked him because he was a Navy pilot. In fact, at one point he was the youngest Navy pilot.  That is not the only reason.  He had a decency about him.  He worked from a perspective of what is good for all the country and not just a small group. He worked with all members of Congress.   The one area I was not impressed with was his pick of Dan Quale as his running mate.  A President has to have an eye on the future if something would happen to him.  Dan Quale was not that guy.  Quale may have been a nice guy, but in no way was he a leader to be President. If this was Bush 41’s worst mistake, at least it did not play out.

President Bush was never going to be the center of attention.  He worked best in small group away from the spotlight. He had an ego to be sure, you don’t get to where he did without one.  However, it did not dominate him.   

Will history judge him well, I believe so.  His accomplishments far outweigh his failures.  He had an extraordinary and full life.  One could not hope for more.   

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