Saturday, December 15, 2018

15 Dec 2018 Why Does She Watch Game Shows?

Why Does She Watch Game Shows?

My wife, Kathy, has no problem watching hours of game shows.  They could be current ones and even those from 30-40 years ago.   I don’t get it.  My mind feels like I am losing intelligence after 10 mins.  Four shows in a row of Family Feud and I would be suicidal.  Not Kathy, the more the better.  

It is not just game shows.  “Reality” tv is in heavy rotation too.  If the game shows don’t make you crazy, the other shows will.  I would bet she watches 6 hours a day of tv.  But you know what, she would probably hate doing what I do and that is read.  

If someone enjoys something, who am I to criticize it?  Just because I may not like it does not mean everyone should too. She does do Numbrix and Sudoku puzzles while she watches so she is exercising her brain.  

You should be grateful if you are able to spend doing what you enjoy for leisure time.  When she was a single mom with two kids, she was exhausted be the end of day and no time just to relax.  It was up early, get the kids to school or day care, off to work, then an endless array of kids activities before home, late dinner, kids to bed, then crash on the couch to fall asleep.  Next day repeat.  And the next and the next, for years.

I may hate what she watches but I feel she has earned it.  I just won’t be in the room to watch with her.  Now about that “Real Housewives episode, did you see……”

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