Wednesday, December 26, 2018

26 Dec 2018 Will Others Follow General Mattis?

Will Others Follow General Mattis?

I was finally glad to see a Senior member of the cabinet leave the administration of Pres. Trump. UN ambassador Nikki Haley left earlier, now Gen. Mattis has prepared to leave as Secretary of Defense.  He was scheduled to leave at the end of February but Pres. Trump did not like the positive press the General was getting and is giving him one more week.

I hope this is the start of a mass exodus of cabinet members. I don’t think it will change how Pres. Trump leads, but it will at least tell him what people think of him.  If Gen. Mattis resigned out of disgust, what is it going to take for the others to follow? I would be stunned if the cabinet members really believed in and supported what Pres. Trump does. I can’t see how any rational person would believe what he is doing it’s good for the country.

But I have to remember it is all about politics. It has nothing to do with how good it is for the country or how bad it is. It is all about keeping whatever political influence you have. That may be a cynical view, but it seems to be reinforced every week. There is no other explanation for why the other cabinet members remain.

I really want our administration to do well. I want the country to do well. It helps no one if the country is not on the right track.  Will others leave? I am not holding my breath. All I hope is that the damage is able to be minimized over the next two years. In 2020, winter is coming for the Republican Party.

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