Tuesday, December 25, 2018

25 Dec 2018 Do You Have Gratitude?

Do You Have Gratitude?

I used to not be grateful for all I had in my life.  It was not I felt like I deserved any of it, I just didn’t recognize how fortunate I was.  Today I have a deep gratitude.  You have a pretty great life if you can say that the vast majority of decisions were made by you and not forced by someone else.  There have been very big consequences for my choices, but they have been mine.

Christians around the world celebrate today as the birth of their religion.   Though I do not have a strong Christian faith, I do have beliefs that our lives do not end with our physical deaths.  Today is a day for reflection and to give thanks and gratitude.

There are groups of “families” I am a part of and people that have been and are part of my life.  I have love and gratitude for all of them.  I may be remiss in not expressing that gratitude, but it is there.

To my biological family, well we have a lifetime of experiences, but we still have that bond.   My Australian family, my love for you has grown deeper every year.  My Navy family, to those alive and those passed, I treasure our time together.  To my WDS family, thank you.

Ariel, I can’t put into words how much you mean to me and my love for you. You have an inner light that shines so bright.  Our journey continues.   

I know I should single out so many more people.  Thank you for your gift of friendship, love, guidance and laughter.  I am a better person for knowing each and every one of you.  

Merry Christmas

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