Wednesday, December 12, 2018

12 Dec 2018 Would You Work For Trump?

Would You Work For Trump?

As much as I dislike President Trump, the office of the President still has to be run. This involves hundreds of people.  Would it be ok to work in the office because you know the job has to be done or are you condoning all the President does if you do work there? This is a difficult choice.  It is easy to be all self-righteous and say you would never be involved in any part of his organization.  However, short of impeachment he is still going to be there, and the work has to be done.  My position is if you are a direct support to him in a lead or deputy position, then you condone what he does.  A leader, no matter how bad, has to have people under him that support his positions. The Cabinet secretaries and deputies can’t hide behind the “I am doing it for the country” excuse.  Those is lesser roles who are not political appointees can say that.

This is where I have lost a lot of respect for people like Gen Mattis and Gen Kelly.  They sold their souls and there is no other way to explain why they stayed so long. As military men, as soon as Trump sided with Russia over the intel community, they should have quit.  But they stayed and thus said it was ok and they supported that position. 

I understand that being a Cabinet Secretary is a big ego position.  But every one of them have to look in the mirror every morning and more importantly look into the eyes of their spouses and children and say they are proud to serve the President. 

I guess character is in short supply because I don’t see it in the Office of the President and the executive levels. History will not be kind to them.

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