Wednesday, December 5, 2018

5 Dec 2018 How Much Are You Willing To Invest In Yourself?

How Much Are You Willing To Invest In Yourself?

Many people look at spending money to help themselves as an expense.  If that is your mindset, you might as well save your money.  You have to view it as an investment.  The challenge is when is it enough or too much.  I don’t think you can say there is enough.  You have to continually challenge yourself.  However, there can be investments that are not wise from a financial standpoint.  There are multitudes of “self-help” programs and personal coaches.  Tony Robbins said a good percentage of the people who buy his programs never even open the package. They spent the money and would not even see if it was worthwhile.  The vast majority who do read the material never take the action required to make changes. I have bought a few programs over the years and fell into that category.

It goes back to a saying I heard, “All know path, few walk it.”  Most people know what needs to be done to change their lives, but just don’t do it.  

In my opinion, a personal coach be it for fitness or any other area of life is the best way to go.  The coach is not only there for accountability, you also see where your money is going.  As with all things, there is a vast array of fees between coaches.  Is it a good investment on your part to spend more than you could afford?   That is a tough call.  Do you get what you pay for?  That is hard to say.  There can be “low cost” coaches who may be a great fit and help you achieve your goals. You may need to invest in a higher priced coach.  

You need to make investments in yourself.  They are not an expense.  They can make a big difference in your life.  

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