Thursday, December 6, 2018

6 Dec 2018 Who Do You Think Will Be The Next President?

Who Do You Think Will Be The Next President?

It is sad to think but soon after the New Year the cycle for the Presidential election in Nov 2020 will start up. It will be interesting to see if President Trump makes it to the election.  I would love to Nikki Haley challenge him.  She is what the Republican party needs.  I would support her if she does even though I would remain an independent.  The Republican party as I knew it died in 2016. I believe she would be a strong contender to anyone the Democrats select.  I know VP Pence thinks he is next, but he is done. He had his head up Trumps ass for too long.  He sold his integrity.  

As for the Democrats, it is going to fun just to watch their battles.  You have Joe Biden, who believes he is the most qualified person to be President.  His 76 years old, will be 78 if elected.  The Presidency is brutal on the person.  Joe’s time was 2008 or earlier.  Bernie Sanders is a little older.  Even though he is popular with the youth, I don’t see the Democrats nominating a really old white male for a long time.  Biden may be able to do it, he is popular with moderate Democrats, but I doubt it.  There are many liberal Democrats who are going to run.  Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Amy Klobuchar and many others.  It is going to get ugly.  They are going to have to beat each other up in the primaries.  

I believe a large percentage of the Democrats are moderates. I just don’t see a far left progressive candidate who has the charisma to get the moderates to support them. 

The candidate who I hope runs is Sen. Mark Warner from Virginia. I would support him if Nikki Haley does not run. He has been a businessman and a Governor as well as a Senator. He works well with people from both parties and would make an excellent choice as President. If he runs, I believe he would beat any Republican candidate, but will he survive the Democratic nomination process? 

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