Saturday, December 22, 2018

22 Dec 2018 Do You Want The Wall?

Do You Want The Wall?

Congress is trying to pass a sort term spending bill to keep government open for a couple of months. Everybody thought it was a done deal until the President got some criticism from the “conservative” pundits that he was weak.  Of course, his ego could not accept this, and he decides to not support the bill because it does not fund the wall.  I keep saying everyone should tell him he said Mexico would pay for it and we will build it when they start paying.  His has no argument against, it was the cornerstone of his campaign.  

Do I want the wall, of course not.  It will be a waste of money and not keep people out. Other than the Great Wall of China, there have been very few that met their purpose.  The Maginot Line was the great wall to keep Germany out of France during World War II.  You know how well that turned out.

We need secure borders.  We need a vetting process to determine who should come in.  We can’t support unlimited immigration.  There is not a country in the world that allows that.  I understand why people want to come here.  I would ask why don’t the other Central and South American countries open their borders to more people?  I know Columbia is dealing with a major problem of people from Venezuela. It rivals our challenges.  

I want Congress to stand strong and not fund a wall.  The President can complain all he wants but only a minority of the country wants a wall.  Most want immigration reform, but not a wall.   

The only thing Congress should send the President is document for him to fill in saying how much Mexico gave this year for the wall. Congress can then add that to the budget. Until then, no money for any wall from the US taxpayers.

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